经管学院院长熊焰致辞总结2020年学院取得的成绩并展望学院未来五年发展规划。学院党政领导分别为2020年经管学院年度考核优秀者、优秀党务工作者、思政育人楷模、管理服务育人楷模、“学习强国”学习达人、抗疫先锋、教学先锋、科研达人等获奖教师颁发荣誉证书。表彰会上,张义老师获得2020年度“校级考核优秀”表彰, 张义和石华瑀两位老师获得“教学先锋”表彰,董维维、林静、宋思根三位老师获得“科研达人”表彰。
On January 13, 2021, faculties and staffs of the School of Economics and Management (SEM) gathered together to wrap up 2020 and welcome 2021. Xiangdong MAO, Vice President of Shanghai Institute of Technology (SIT), was invited to attend the get-gather.
Mr. MAO sent his thanks and wishes to the faculties and staffs of SEM, saying that 2020 was an extraordinary year, everyone has overcome the negative effect of COVID-19 epidemic, completed the tasks of teaching, research and social services, and contributed wisdom and strength to the development of our school and university as well as communities.
Yan XIONG, the Dean of SEM, made a presentation about the achievements of SEM in 2020, even in past five years, and the development planning in the coming five years. The management team members of SEM awarded outstanding faculties and staffs in 2020. Members of Research Center for Consumer Behavior(RCCB)at SIT received some of the awards, Dr. Yi ZHANG was awarded the 2020 Annual Excellent Faculties Awards at SIT, Dr. Yi ZHANG and Dr. Huayu SHI got the Teaching Excellence Awards of SEM, and Dr. Weiwei DONG, Dr. Jing LIN and Dr. Sigen SONG received the Research Achievement Awards of SEM.